To Whom It May Concern:
Chad Stoecker
Graduated from Oklahoma State ‘04
Masters Degree Mechanical Engineering
How was the job market after graduation?
The job market for fresh graduates was very difficult because most positions required 3-5 years experience for the Chicago industry. It was difficult to get started.
How did you feel about the direction your career was going in post Design-engine/education? How were you directed to Design-engine/education?
I felt really frustrated because it seemed impossible to get a foot in the door at a manufacturer. You begin to feel isolated; it’s hard to meet the right people. It gets very tiresome looking for jobs on the Internet. It seems as if you have less then a day to get that resume in or it never gets viewed. After that the HR rep’s mailboxes are overflowing with applications. I viewed an advertisement online for Design-engine/education I came down and spoke to Bart one of the instructors personally. He pointed me to the WIA office. I went through the standard basic computer skill classes and resume writing classes.
Who was your case worker and was she/he helpful upon getting you a job?
Patricia Wolcott was my case worker. She was unable to help me because I was entering the workforce and not returning to the workforce.
What was your experience with Design-engine/education?
My experience was an intensive 3 week modeling and surfacing workshop. My focus was on Engineering using software like Pro/ENGINEER and some solid works. During this time Bart and his staff was able to teach me 3D modeling with current used CAD programs.
How did Design Engine help you?
Not only did I receive the education from the course they helped me with possible employer contact information and job placement. They have a database of manufactures and contract agencies that are there for me to access. They introduced me to contacting.
Could you of been as successful without taking the Design Engine three week class?
I could not have received a job in product development without this class.
Did Design-engine/education truly give you edge you desired?
Yes, I was working a contract job with Illinois Tool Works only two weeks out of the course.
Would you or have you recommended the class to others in your field?
Definitely. I would recommend this class to any person who is eager to learn 3D modeling and willing to put in long hours during the course. You should be ambitious and self motivated because nothing is handed to you. Bart and the rest of the team are there to guide you, but you have to want to succeed. If you want success Design-engine/education will work hard to get you there.